The tutorial session on Friday was a very quick consultation but a very useful one. Cameron gave me 2 different directions to look into further which I have done and I am starting to get a clearer idea about my proposed solution.
Cameron suggested I look into an example of architecture that could be relevant to my investigations into landscaping seating and building in underneath. The example is an architecture that came about from the result of a competition for the redesign of the discount ticket booth for TKTS in New York.
Completed: 2008
Designers: Perkins Eastman, Choi Ropiha, PKSB Architects
Cameron also gave me a further insight into my ideas about utilising parks, reminding me that the city Canberra was originally designed to follow the city beautiful movement which strived to create the ideals of a garden city. This has led me to revisit the planning of Canberra as a city designed for the parliament and to look closer at the way the ideals of the garden city have been incorporated into the planning.
Completed: 2008
Designers: Perkins Eastman, Choi Ropiha, PKSB Architects
- new structure to provide purpose for their concession lease.
- Father Duffy who were interested in restoring Duffy’s presence.
- Gathering point Times Square’s economic and branding improvements
Images taken from
Cameron also gave me a further insight into my ideas about utilising parks, reminding me that the city Canberra was originally designed to follow the city beautiful movement which strived to create the ideals of a garden city. This has led me to revisit the planning of Canberra as a city designed for the parliament and to look closer at the way the ideals of the garden city have been incorporated into the planning.
This included looking at the green roof form of the parliament house, and this, together with the exploration into tiered seating or stairs have finally led me to my design concept.
I will take inspiration from the existing parliament house architecture and create a new space but one that is linked to the existing house. After all, I am not proposing a solution which aims to replace the existing Parliament house, but rather an extension which aims to bring the parliament to the people. I will take the green roof form as used in the existing parliament house and follow this form to create a giant staircase of sorts. This staircase will be integrated into the natural context of the park and have the ability to be used for the seating for an outdoor theatre/lecture space. I will then use the space underneath the staircase to design a space that can contribute to housing other parlimentary functions that are related to the people.
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