Monday, 22 August 2011

Video: TED TALK: Joshua Prince-Ramus on The Seattle Library


Seattle's library

Hyper rationality, no authorship
Compartmentalised flexibility

Book is a technology

Library has a secondary responsibility : social roles (equally important as media) 2/3 dedicated to social functions.. back to first principles and recombined.

Typical flexibility: Generic so every activity.

Very discreet thing happening in each compartment and separate compartments for indeterminate functions of the future.

Living room / Mixing chamber :Technology / Reading Room/ Book spiral: Continum stepping up levels

Dallas Theatre Company

Breaks down functions and rearranges, traditional back and front of house become top and bottom of house, creating a new realm of possibilities for the actors.
(In this case the flexibility granted to the architecture is not hindered by the human condition of its users to look for boundaries and restrictions to dictate how the space should work. Because it is designed for a theatre company, it encourages the actors and directors to challenge the possibilities and be creative with the space.
Ability to rent out space in off season, so it is always utilised.


Joshua Prince Ramus uses the examples here to illustrate the importance of returning to first principles to design high quality architectural solutions. He looks at the very fundamental functions that the architectural space is required to perform, breaking down any preconceived ideas of how the space should typically work, and reorganizes his findings to create an innovative solution. It involves a systems approach, it considers the problem in its entirety rather than focusing solely on the architecture  as merely the physical entity of the solution. It goes beyond architecture as a requirement into architecture as a device, a facilitator to optimize the systems and functions to be performed in/using the space.

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