Thursday, 11 August 2011

Video: TED TALK: The shareable future of cities: Alex Steffen

"The most sustainable trip is the one you never have to make".
City determines the amount of energy we use.

Reweaving the urban fabric we already have.

A shift in ideals from the dream home – dream neighbourhood.

We want access to the capacity of things (turning products into services that we have access to when we want them).

POP UP SPACES: Space turning into services. Is a far more sustainable approach to city living.


This talk raises the importance of consideration of how our cities function now and how they will function in the future which is very relevant to our project. There is no point designing a new capital city (or part) which will be discarded as our cities take on a changing approach to sharing space. It will be an important point to address, the idea of services when we need them and the challenge will be how to produce an architectural solution which will allow our cities to tap into the capacity of the space as we need it. Perhaps the idea od pop up spaces could be explored further.. would it be possible to have a pop-up parliament, or pop up elements of a parliament as an architectural solution?

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