Thursday, 1 September 2011

Final panels

We decided as a group that our architectural investigation will depict a parasitic architecture (representation of an active, energetic, architecture that can interact with our cities and allow elemenst of the parliamentary system to interact with our cities and invite the participation of the people.

Anthony's renders look great, I think the images of the lattice-like architectural modules attached to buildings that are clearly recognisable as important parts of cityscapes in Australia is very effective. It gives the buildings a clear identity when these modules are attached and as an image of parliament they represent the people of Australia in a more relevant way than the parliament house in Canberra. The perceived identity of Australians as free-thinking, open minded, active and social is encapsulated effectively in these modular energetic architectural spaces which move in and about our cities, distributing elements of the parliament in the process. A clear contradiction to the traditionally monumental solid architectural structure that sits in Canberra, disconnected from the real life of our cities and its people.Our proposal has an identifiable presence in its ability to move. Its dynamic and active nature continually evokes awareness in both residents and visitors to our cities.

We have now brought our panels together and modified to create a set of panels that are more graphically consistent.

Katie and Kat have also created a model and a short video which illustrates out strategy to distribute and the concept of our parasitic architectural elements really effectively!

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